Cheshire East
Safeguarding Adults Board

Information for professionals

Alcohol Change UK

Alzheimer's Society


Care Homes


Coercive Behaviour

Complex Safeguarding Forum 

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLs)

Disability Awareness

Discriminatory Abuse

Domestic Abuse and Safeguarding

Information about domestic abuse can also be found on the Cheshire East Live Well site. Please see guidance below on how to recognise and respond to domestic abuse.

Domestic Abuse and Caring for an Older Person living with Dementia

Research is showing that there is a definitive link between domestic abuse and dementia, and that domestic abuse occurs more often in partners or families when someone is living with dementia. Please see helpful tools and guidance to support people in identifying and responding to these concerns. 

Economic Abuse


Fire Safety

Gypsy, Roma and Traveller Communities

Hate Crime



Information Sharing

Leaflets and Posters

 LeDeR - Learning from Lives and Deaths, people with a learning disbility and autistic people

Making Safeguarding Personal

Modern Slavery

Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements (MAPPA)

One Minute Guides

Predatory Marriage

Preparing for Adulthood


Professional Curiosity

Reporting Safeguarding Concerns

Safeguarding Adults Reviews (SAR)

Scams and Fraud


Suicide Prevention

Technology-facilitated Abuse

Transitional Safeguarding

Violent extremism

Violent extremism/Prevent e-learning

Violent Extremism/ Prevent E-Learning is now available – E-Learning ( provides details on who needs to complete the new registration form and who already has access. 

You will then receive login details which will allow you entry to the e-learning platform. If you are experiencing any difficulties please contact

Mental Capacity Act – YouTube Resource

Our partners at Mid Cheshire Hospital NHS Foundation Trust have produced the following two excellent short video clips focussing on the application of the Mental Capacity Act (MCA). The videos explain the key principles of the MCA and how they work in practice within the hospital setting.

An introduction to the Mental Capacity Act (2005)

Mental Capacity Assessment - Nurse-led scenario

Useful Websites