Development & Training
The Safeguarding Adults Board aims to ensure the quality of Safeguarding training across the borough of Cheshire East is of a high standard and consistant. This page offers resources that can be useful in many different situations and can be used by different organisations to engage with local safeguarding updates.
Annual Training Report 2023-2024
Safeguarding Training Annual Report 2023-2024 (PDF, 935KB)
Free Training
Level 1 Safeguarding Training
This training if for all staff or volunteers working with adults with care and support needs in Cheshire East. This is either as a refresher or a comprehensive introduction to adult safeguarding.
The training is delivered face to face, at your provision. Each session takes one and a half hours. The training can be delivered at a time to suit your yourselves.
You can book on this training by contacting our Training Officer. She will be happy to discuss options for dates and times with you.
Care Concern Training
This training is for those providers in Cheshire East, who are required to complete the Care Concern process.
The training is delivered via TEAMS once a month. Each session takes one hour.
To find out more information, including upcoming dates, please contact our Training Officer.
Please state in your email what provision you are from.
DoLS Process Training
Do you work in the care/health sector in Cheshire East and have a need to complete applications for Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS) assessments? If the answer is yes, then this training is for you.
The training is delivered face to face in one of our corporate buildings on a quarterly basis. The next training is in April 2025 in Macclesfield. Each session takes one hour.
For more information, please contact our Training Officer. Please let her know what provision you are from when emailing.
Safeguarding Adults at Risk: Enhancing Response to Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Training
The training is delivered face to face in one of our corporate buildings on a quarterly basis. The next training date is 6 May 2025 in Macclesfield. The session will be from 11:00 until 14:00.
The training is for all frontline professionals, including the voluntary sector, working with adults at risk.
For more information, please contact our Training Officer. Please let her know what organisation you work for and what your role is when emailing.
Training Resources
Mental Capacity Assessment
One of the recommendations from the 'Mervyn' Statutory Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR) was to ensure that local guidance and learning opportunties accurately present the Mental Capacity Act 2005 prinicipals and provisions, and cover executive as well as decisional capacity. Similar themes have also been highlighted within the recommendations of the board's Discretionary SAR's, to meet these recommendations, officers from Cheshire East Council: Adult Safeguarding Service, and the Safeguarding Lead from East Cheshire NHS Foundation Trust worked in collaboration to produce a series of short films on use and application of the Mental Capacity Act to be used in staff training on the Mental Capacity Act 2005.
Here is the first in what will be a series of short educational films filmed throughout 2024 & 2025. This film will support good practice in Mental Capacity Assessments and the DOLS process.
This includes
Learning Lounge
This link is for Cheshire East Council employees only, for their internal training programmes.
E-learning Courses
Podcasts and Webinars
Please find below external links for podcasts and webinars.